"The most powerful talk on leadership and people I have ever heard"
From Sandhurst to the stage, Stewart is a creative inspirational speaker, leadership consultant, artist, actor and much more. 'One of the outstanding Officers of his generation', Stewart's successful Army career stopped as soon as shrapnel from an Improvised Explosive Device smashed into his brain. His narrative is about the new energy that has been released from the destructive force of the explosion that changed his life forever. Stewart’s candid discussion about his own post injury issues with mental health has opened up conversations about depression as a very real and personal issue. His life is about holding two apparently contradictory positions at once: a robust ex-Army Officer and now artist; negative and positive thoughts; a shattered and whole life; a functional and dysfunctional brain; and being powerful, determined and strong yet fragile. The story of his recovery and transformation is a thought provoking, visceral and entertaining perspective that engages audiences and leaves them mesmerised.
Lieutenant Colonel Stewart Hill led his men on two tours to Afghanistan and his inspirational leadership marked him out as someone with a golden future in the British Army. That was until an Improvised Explosive Device sent shrapnel into his skull causing a severe traumatic brain injury in 2009. Gravely injured Stewart nearly didn’t make it but make it he did and his account of his survival, his recovery and his battle with this invisible but hugely devastating injury is powerful and massively inspirational.
He inspires people to think differently, to place their own lives with a fresh perspective and to show how one can continue to grow and develop throughout life.
There is an emerging thread of leadership across his life: exercising the theory of leadership in the Army; questioning leadership and its importance during his recovery; and discovering the essence of leadership during his personal growth and forging a new identity.